Formatting Cells between Spreadsheets



I have two spreadsheets within one Excel File. The first 3 columns of each
spreadsheet are identical, however the following 30 columns are different.

My goal would be to keep the 3 columns between the spreadsheets identical by
doing the following:

If I change something in the first spread sheet it AUTOMATICALLY adds that
new change to the second spreadsheet.

Is this possible? any help would be great

Kevin B

You can do that by clicking the first sheet tab and Ctrl + Click on the
second sheet tab. Your formattingn in either for the selected worksheets
updates both. This includes entering data, formulas, copying, deleting and

So that you don't court a disaster, ungroup the worksheets when your
finished. Right click on either of the selected sheets and select UNGROUP.

Hope this helps...


Assume source is Sheet1 cols A to C
In Sheet2,
In A1: =IF(Sheet1!A1="","",Sheet1!A1)
Copy across to C1, fill down to cover the max expected extent of source data


you could use a formula on sheet 2.
in sheet 2 cell A1 enter......=sheet1!A1
this would return to sheet2 cell A1 whatever is in sheet1 cell A1.
since it is a formula the change on sheet 2 would be near immediate.
the formula would adjust as you copy down and accross.



Here is 1 option. However, you would only be able to change it in one sheet,
so if you have SHEET1 & SHEET2. only SHEET2 would be modifiable.

Place this Formula in Sheet1, cell A1 to have it be identical to whatever is
in Sheet2, cell A1


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