Formating cell



I have used Excel to set up a mark sheet thus:

Mark Grade Remarks

Mr x 80 1 Distinction
Mr y 30 9 Fail
Mr z 65 3 Credit
9 Fail
9 Fail
9 Fail

When I do not have names beyond Mr z, the columns for grade and remarks
continue to output "9" and "fail". I used the IF function in the formula used
for grade and remarks.
What can I do so that
First, the name, grade and remark column would remain EMPTY except when
names and marks are typed in?
Second, since this file is shared by may users, how can I hide the formula
with a passwprd, but the users can have access to name and marks colun.


Hi bimseun

Assuming Name and Mark are in A1 and B1, you could prefix your formula

=IF(AND(A1="",B1=""),"", ...the rest of your formula

or you could leave the formula as is and use conditional formatting to
make the font the same colour as the cell (white?), use

To hide the formula in the Formula Bar, format the cells and check
Hidden on the Protection tab - the formula will "disappear" when you
apply the password protection (remember to uncheck Locked for the cells
you still want to edit).




Hi bimseun

Assuming Name and Mark are in A1 and B1, you could prefix your formula

=IF(OR(A1="",B1=""),"", ...the rest of your formula

or you could leave the formula as is and use conditional formatting to
make the font the same colour as the cell (white?), use

To hide the formula in the Formula Bar, format the cells and check
Hidden on the Protection tab - the formula will "disappear" when you
apply the password protection (remember to uncheck Locked for the cells

you still want to edit).




Hi Steve,
i tried this but ot did not work. This is the function I used.
==IF(AND(B7="",H7="",I7="",J7="" ),"",IF(J7>89,"A1",

It return error message for my formula at IF(J7>49,"E8","U"))))))))
Is there anythong I have done worng? I have fut the function in the cell
with the formula.


Hi Scoops,
sounds like you might could help me a bit. i have a set of workbooks that a
few co-workers use, truoble is when they open the workbooks, the formatting
is different for them so columns are off the screen, etc. Is there a way to
make a workbook so anyone accessing it from a shared drive will see the same
thing? Tanx! larry

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