Format sheet after importing a csv file



I get data in the form of a csv file and I need to change one field
that that looks like this:

Col C (for example)


I would like to break the cells into 2 different col one for time
(morning/afternoon, etc) and one for time zone (est, pacific, mst)

So I guess I need to count over to the / then take the timezone info
and pass it through a series of case statements, est = estern, mst =
mountain, and then put that into a new colunm.

I need to make this available whenever I open the file and not have to
recreate the code everything I get a new file.

Thanks for any help


Sub splitdate()


RowCount = 1
Do While Cells(RowCount, "C") <> ""
slashpos = InStr(Cells(RowCount, "C"), "/")
If slashpos > 0 Then
Cells(RowCount, "D") = _
Mid(Cells(RowCount, "C"), slashpos + 1)
Cells(RowCount, "C") = _
Left(Cells(RowCount, "C"), slashpos - 1)
End If
RowCount = RowCount + 1

End Sub

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