Format Help



My Windows XP is on drive D:\, I am trying to reformat drive c:\, When I open
My Computer and right click on Format and select C drive to format, I get the
message that Windows was unable to complete the format. I couldn't even see
where it had started.

Also when I go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Computer Management,
then Disk Management, the Delete Partition and Format are grayed out. Any
help would be appreciated. Thank you, Paul


What are you doing? You can not format System and Boot Partitions. Don't try
it. The system partition contain (your c: drive) the files which are required
to locate and run the windows xp and boot partition contain (your D: drive)
windows xp files like Windows, Program Files and Documents & Settings folder.

If you will format any of them with alternative ways then you may not be
able to boot your Windows.

See the help topics in Help and Support center about Boot and System

Let us know, if this information is useful to you.


Drive c:\ is a completly seperate drive. My D:\ is not partitioned off my c:\
drive. Drive c:\ use to be my Windows XP, I did a complete new install to my
D:\ drive. Now I want to clean up and remove the old Windows XP that is no
longer operational and make it a clean drive. Is that possible? Thanks again,


You are not understanding the basics. You can not format a partition where

C: is the main partition (known as system/primary/active partition). When
you switch on your pc, after the post it seeks for the Primary partition and
check the 0 sector to read OS files.

It doesn't matter that you have single or multiple hdd drives installed.
Wherever you install your XP, it is C: D: E: or any drive you will not be
able to format the C: drive as Windows XP will always install it's system
files on the active partition.

For instance, I have 2 hdd drives on one of pc. Both have 2 partitions each.
Both are 40GB in size. First HDD drive has only 1 partition which is C:.
Second HDD drive has 2 partitions D & E. I have installed Windows XP on E
drive. Now, I can not format my C drive. Window will never let me do that.
However, I also can not format my E drive as well as contain Boot files.

Hope you understand what I am trying to explain.

Let us know!


My ext HD was working fine and then a sign said the drive needed to be
formated. It shows nothing on it. I have not formatted it because I think
everything will be gone once I do. How can I get it to open again? C is
working fine


It could be because of some inactivities. Right-click on My Computer - choose
Manage. Here expand to Disk Management - and check your external drive here,
if it is inactive. If so, then safely remove your hdd. Shut down the pc and
safely plug it again.

if it is a USB external hard disk drive then try changing it to another USB
port. See, if this simple trick helps you.

Let us know!


Ok I did those things. I also tried to revert the time and it would not roll
back the external hard drive. Said it was not scanned.
The port trick had the same results.


You can try one more thing. Go again to Disk Management, see if there is a
sign of "Inactive" something like this. If this is so, then right-click on
your Ext. HDD drive and there should be reactive option.

Let us know, if this information helps you.


Ok tried that. Nothing but the same 'needs to be format.
Hardware changes =nothing...update "could not find better'...Driver
rollback -nothing to go to. Usage "enable."...


Sorry it took me so long to answer. I got called away. Thank you very much
for taking the time to break it down and explaining it to me in detail. I
couldn't for the life of me figure out why installing WinXP on one drive
would effect the other drive. Thank you again, Paul


Uniden said:
Sorry it took me so long to answer. I got called away. Thank you very much
for taking the time to break it down and explaining it to me in detail. I
couldn't for the life of me figure out why installing WinXP on one drive
would effect the other drive. Thank you again, Paul

Did you get a "system restore" disk with your computer (I did with my
Gateway computer)?

Booting to this disk gives you a batch of options, one of which allows you
to format your C: drive and restore the OS from the D: drive (In my case
the D: drive has a compressed image of the original C: drive which it
reinstalls on the C: drive -obviously contains only what was on the C: when
if was delivered.)

BTW, in my case D: is a partition on the HD - in your case maybe more

Seems like you would have to boot to a floppy, do an fdisk and format from
the floppy, then reinstall XP from a boot XP original OS disk - making sure
that the computer will boot from the CD.

Maybe boot to the D: drive and then go from there. (or switch the HDs so the
D: becomes C: and vice versa to do what you were originally suggesting.)

You cannot mess with (format) the HD when you are operating from an OS that
is ON that HD you have to boot from something else that has the OS on it!

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