Format cell as military time



I want to type in 0700 in a cell and press <tab> to go to the next cell and
it will auto format it like 07:00 (military time). ex: type in 1400 and it
display as 14:00, etc. In other words, I want to be lazy and not have to type
the colon. How do I need to format the cell?
Thanks... Mike



I appreciate the info but I am not familiar with how to set this up. Where
do I need to paste that code in my worksheet to make it work?



If your goal is to be lazy, why not just format the cells to militar
time and then type in "1 pm", "6 am", "11 pm", etc. The output woul
be: 13:00, 6:00, 23:00.

Personally typing 1 pm is faster than typing 1300 since your finger
toggle between numbers and letters.

If you want to have 6:00 appear at 06:00 then instead of formatting t
time, go to custom and enter hh:mm into the box

Gord Dibben

Copy the second lot of code from Chip's site.

Right-click on your sheet tab and "View Code"

Paste into that sheet module.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

JE McGimpsey

However, note that this will also implement the same AutoCorrect in Word
and other Office apps, too.


True, but can't beat it for timecard entry on a Monday morning.

The girls reverse it after they're done.

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