Format Aborted, Hard Disk Not Recognized....used FDISK from 98 Floppy


Jack Danniel


I have Windows XP Pro.

Recently, I formatted my hard drive. While reinstalling Windows XP
Pro from the CD, during the formatting to NTFS process, I
inadvertently shut down the computer. I never did that before.

Anyway...when I tried rebooting, I got all sorts of hard disk failure
warnings (I don't recall what they said, exactly). I was absolutely
unable to get the hard drive recognized by the XP Pro CD, so
installing it was not possible.

I have two computers, so what I tried to do next was download the
Windows XP bootable startup floppy creator from the Microsoft web
site. They didn't work, either.

Thinking quickly, and desperately, I got out an old Windows 98 startup
floppy, and used FDISK. I then ran an unconditional format. The hard
drive was recognized, and I was able to install XP.

Had it not been for that floppy disk, I don't know what I would have

So... my question is: Does Windows XP Pro have an FDISK option,
similar to the one on the bootable Windows 98 startup floppy? In the
event I ever run into this problem again (and I'll take pains to see
that it doesn't), can I use the XP CD to FDISK the hard drive? Of
course, I have several copies of the Windows 98 floppy, just in case,
but can anything be done purely off the installation CD?

Thank you! Jd

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Thank you! J. Danniel


You can boot off CD into Recovery Console and use the *diskpart*, *fixboot*,
*fixmbr*, and *format* commands.


Just reboot to xp cd,select at info page,install xp,new copy,delete the
create one,then xp will reformat the drive.

Jack Danniel


I don't know if that would work, because when I tried to boot up from
the CD, I couldn't. Otherwise, I would have done a DIR of the various
directories and searched for something that might have helped.

I should have mentioned that in the original post.

I don't think I was able to access the CD at all. So, maybe my
question was a moot one. Hopefully, this won't happen again. At
least I have several copies of the startup floppy for Windows 98, in
case it does.
You can boot off CD into Recovery Console and use the *diskpart*, *fixboot*,
*fixmbr*, and *format* commands.

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Thank you! J. Danniel

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