Format a field in an equation


Smokey Lonesome

I use the following equation to calculate the grams for a material weigh
up. There is a sister equation that calculates the same thing in pounds minus
the *454.

=IF(ISBLANK(G14),"",(($F$11/($C$11/100))*(G14/100)) *454 & " gr.")

G14 = 1.27480 Percent of weigh up.
F11 = 220 Blend Pounds.
C11 = 2 Percentage of total Blend.

Working the equasion yields: 63843.296 gr.

What I am looking for is some way to format this to 4 places after the
decimal. Many times our number will have an ton of places past the decimal
making it very hard to read. Also due to the "gr" text concantenated to the
number, I can't use the standard format cell routine. Is there a format
command I can use in the equation to format the number before I concantenate
the "gr" to it? Thank you in advance for your help.

Jim Thomlinson

I personally would not concatenate the gr at the end but rather add the gr as
part of a custom number format. Select the cell, right click, format cell,

Select Custom and use a format such as this...
#,##0.0000 "Gr."

Gary''s Student

=IF(ISBLANK(G14),"",TEXT((($F$11/($C$11/100))*(G14/100)) *454,"0.0000") & "


=IF(ISBLANK(G14),"",FIXED((($F$11/($C$11/100))*(G14/100)) *454,4,FALSE) & "

The FALSE bit can be TRUE, it depends whether you want the number to show
the comma as a thousands separator or not.

Smokey Lonesome

Thank You,
I tried all three suggestions and each worked perfectly. I do like Jim
Thomlinson's a little better because it simplified the equation but all three
were dead on what I adked for. Thank you very much to each of you.

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