Form vs. Control Toolbox


Jim Henderson

Can someone give a concise explanation of the difference
between the "Control Toolbox" and "Forms" toolbars in
Excel? They seem to have a number of duplicate controls on
them. What would be the difference in usage between the


Tom Ogilvy

For a Worksheet:

If you want to use multiple events, and have much richer control on
appearance and behavior, then use the control toolbox toolbar controls. If
you want controls that are linked to cells and update on each calculate
eve5/nt and are very compatible with Excel, or implement a very simple event
model (click only), then use the forms toolbar.

For a Userform

Only control toolbox toolbar controls

for a Dialogsheet
Only forms controls.

If you need to work with xl5/xl95, then only the forms controls.

Jean-Paul Viel


The Control Toolbox is the newest version, that could be use on sheets and
user form, and they have several events. The Forms toolbar come from the
version 5, usable only on sheets, and have only the click event. They are
kept for backward compatibility.

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