Form to Subform to popup form and pass value



Hi Everyone. You all have been a great help in getting me on the right
track and I appreciate it. It seems I have one last hurdle:

I have a main form which has a sub form. The subform has a combo box. The
"After update" of the combo box opens a third popup form, which is not a

I need code "on current" of the popup form to bring in 2 values from the
subform. Then, "on close" of the popup form, I need to send 1 new value
back to the subform.

Can anyone please help. If so, please reply to the group.




I am making a big assumption in assuming both subform and popup form are
based on tables and not queries. If so, I would try this...

Instead of trying to copy the 2 values to the popup form by value, base your
popup form on the same table or query as the sub form, including on the popup
only the fields you need from the sub; the popup will necessarily have the
same two values as the sub form.

Also on the popup form, include the field that is to be updated in the
subform once the user is done with the popup; when that field gets changed in
the popup, it is also changing the very value referenced in the sub form.
Lastly, to get the subform to reflect that change of its underlying source,
you need to do a requery on the sub form.

That's all I got. Hope it helps.


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