Keith Christmas
I have produced a crosstab query that allows me to view the data in the
desired format, but I can't update because its a crosstab.
Field One is defined as a Row Heading, Field 2 is defined as the Column
heading and field 3 is being displayed using the First function. (Since this
value is unique I could have used any of the following: Sum, Min, Max, Avg,
First, Last).
Basically I would like to produce a sub-form in datasheet format that can be
viewed in the same format (column 2 as a heading) so that I can update Field
Is this possible?
For those wondering why I want to do this...
The data model is normalised and therefore can accomodate a theoretical
infinate amount of rows (that's the data model - not Access!)
In reality however, there will only ever be 8 rows (i.e. 8 elements in the
repeating group). I want the form to show the repeating group as one row to
the user, since this is how they are used to viewing this data on the manual
form. The crosstab looks great, but obviously I can't update the data from
desired format, but I can't update because its a crosstab.
Field One is defined as a Row Heading, Field 2 is defined as the Column
heading and field 3 is being displayed using the First function. (Since this
value is unique I could have used any of the following: Sum, Min, Max, Avg,
First, Last).
Basically I would like to produce a sub-form in datasheet format that can be
viewed in the same format (column 2 as a heading) so that I can update Field
Is this possible?
For those wondering why I want to do this...
The data model is normalised and therefore can accomodate a theoretical
infinate amount of rows (that's the data model - not Access!)

In reality however, there will only ever be 8 rows (i.e. 8 elements in the
repeating group). I want the form to show the repeating group as one row to
the user, since this is how they are used to viewing this data on the manual
form. The crosstab looks great, but obviously I can't update the data from