Form Sizing


Connell Giacomini

Whenever my form is changed from form view to design view and back to form
view, the form's vertical scrollbar moves down about one inch. This also
happens when a command button on the form open a different form and then the
user returns to the original form.
The user must right-click the scroll bar and select "Top" to move the form
back to the top. So my question is: is there a method to either modify the
form's size so it doesn't slip down the page, or is there a method to
automate the "Top" selection for the scroll bar and assign it to some form

Wayne Morgan

When going between design view and form view, the sizing isn't always as
desired. There is an option under the Window menu called "Size to Fit Form"
that helps. I suspect what is happening is that the control that had the
focus when you went into design view is being moved to the top of the form
window when you go back to form view instead of the focus being on the first
control as it would be when you open the form normally.

I suspect your problem doesn't exist if you close the form and open it in
form view. If so, this is just a problem during design time and should have
little to no impact on the user.

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