Form PopUp Property at Run Time

  • Thread starter Steve Crago \(Hotmail\)
  • Start date

Steve Crago \(Hotmail\)


We have an MS Access form that we would like to be able to run as either a
PopUp or a Normal form. We would like to be able to change the form under
code at 'Run time' when the system has been deployed as an .MDE.

MS Access Help however advises that it is only possible to set the PopUp
property in Design view and not at run time, as per the following excert.

PopUp Property
"The PopUp Property can be set only in form Design View."

Can anyone please help with this?

We have considered setting the Window Mode to 'Dialog' however this means
that the user is not able to size and position the form when they run it. We
would like the user to be able to change the size and position of the form
at run time to suit their preference.

Is there any other way around this? Are there any third party controls that
could help? etc

Thanks, Steve.

AccessVandal via

Try these,

Create two buttons to let the users select a "PopUp" or "Normal" form.

Button 1
DoCmd.OpenForm "yourFrom", , , , , acDialog
This is just like a pop up form.

Button 2
DoCmd.OpenForm "yourForm, , , , , acWindowNormal
This is like a normal form.

It will work in MDE.

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