form Page



I have a "Contact Us" form page that was created over 2 years ago. Once the
form is filled out by our clients they click on a button that says "Send In
Data." Well the button used to work and the info went directly to an email
address. The hyperlink was broken somehow and it no longer does what it
should. I haven't done something like this in, again, over 2 years but this
morning I tried to put the hyperlink back in and re-entered the email address
but it still doesn't work. Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong??

Once someone clicks on the "Send In Data" button I want the data to get sent
to an email address and would like a page to come up and say "Thank you for
your information, blah blah blah.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Please give a link to the faulty page. If this is a FrontPage form then
use Form Properties to set the email address - there should not be any


I went back into FrontPage and right clicked on the Send in Data button,
clicked on form field properties but there is no place to put an email
address. I thought it had to go into the Hyperlink Properites and then you
click on email address, plug it in and it should


Right click anywhere in the form, then choose Form Properties - NOT
form field properties.
In Form properties you can specify the email address, confirmation page,
a file for the data to be saved to, and more.
Using a mailto: hyperlink will get you lots of spam, and may not work
for users who have web based (googlemail, Hotmail, Windows Live Mail)
email clients.

Note that the email will only work if the host supports email from
FrontPage extensions, and the address may be restricted to a user within
the same domain as the website.

If you must use a mailto link, in goes in the forms action attribute,
not on the submit button:
<form method="post" action="mailto:[email protected]"> but this will not
work for all users.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.


I think what you are looking for is not the properties of that
particular field, but the properties for the entire form. The way it
is now, th "send in data" button is simply a mailto link.

Right click inside the form, select "form properties". From there you
can specify an email address. Click "options" for, you guessed it,
more options.



Thank you so much for your fast response!! I will do this and hopefully my
Contacts Page will be back to normal.


Okay i'm back again. I have been trying to click anywhere and everywhere in
the form to choose Form Properties but I can't find Form Properties anywhere.
This is how the form was created........I clicked on File, made a New Blank
Page then inserted tables from there and then I clicked on Insert, Form,
clicked on "option button" and clicked on "push button". So, maybe this
isn't how you make a contact form but this was the only way I knew how to do


You don't appear to actually have a form on there, no <form> blah,
blah, blah </form> tags...

Here is a one line <name> text box form, with results emailed to
(e-mail address removed) with the subject line reading: "Your information" and
also sent to a text file "///_private/form_results.txt".

<form method="POST" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults"
S-Format="TEXT/CSV" S-Label-Fields="TRUE"
S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE" S-Email-Address="(e-mail address removed)"
B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Email-Subject-From-Field="FALSE"
S-Email-Subject="Your information" S-Builtin-Fields -->
<p>Name <input type="text" name="T1" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset"
value="Reset" name="B2"></p>

Blank page
Insert Form
Now put your tables, text, text boxes and radio check buttons INSIDE
this form.

All you have done is create the tables, text boxes, radio buttons and
a "submit" button that you've turned into a mailto link.


I don't want to recreate the whole page, is there an easier way to just fix
the buttons? If you haven't realized by now, i'm not that familiar with the
script so I have no idea whereabouts it should go within my script????


Blank page
Insert > Form

Open your existing "form" page in FP

Copy everything from the table cells above your first text box <name>
to the cells just below "request a booklet".

On your new form page, put a couple of line feeds <enter> before the
"submit/reset" buttons to give yourself some room.

Paste the form fields you copied from the original page into your new
form in the space you just created.

Right click inside the boundary of the form, select "Form Properties",
set your email options there.

Save and test the form.

Should look kinda like this, took about 3 minutes...



Right click inside the boundary of the form, select "Form Properties",
set your email options there.

Save and test the form.

Oops, forgot to note, this will only work if you are working on your
web "live".

If you are working on your "local" web (on your computer hard drive)
save > *publish* > then test the form


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