Form for data-input


Lynn McC

I am new to designing databases previously I have just
been extracting data from existing databases.
A new study we are starting requires a more complex
design. I have a large database (table 1) with all the
data describing the patient's previous medical history
(all anonymous coded). Then every 6 months (for 2 years)
details are recorded, in table 2, of how their disease is
progressing, blood tests results, blood pressure, etc. So
tables 1 and 2 have a one to many relationship. At each
visit a list of the drugs they are taking is recorded in
table 3. So tables 2 and 3 have a one to many
relationship. The drugs are selected from a very long drop
down list but input still takes a long time as some of the
subjects are on up to 10 different drugs. More often than
not the drugs they are taking will not change between 6-
month visits. So what I would like to have is a FORM that
showed the list of drugs from the previous visit. If the
person inputting the data could modify the drugs list
where necessary and confirm each item that had not changed
and then stored the new visit data but without starting
each visit from scratch. I posted a similar question a
while ago but did not get any replies, I presume because I
had not explained myself clearly enough. So if this does
not make sense please let me know.
PS. This database does not involve the health of our
patients (that is all looked after by the hospital system)
the worst that could happen would be the MD student
collecting the data could have to re-input it.
Thank you for any help you can give me.


Hi Lynn,

This could be a rather protracted discussion.
If you would like to contact me by email, I'll see what I
can do to help.


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