Form Focus Issue



First of all, I am using the .NET 2.0 framework with Visual Studio

I have two forms. One is a form with a TreeView control on it (used as
a menu - kindof a favorites list) and the other is a form with a
WebBrowser control on it.

The TreeView_Click event fires up the other form with the link passed
to it via the Node. If the user clicks the TreeView and the form is
already open with that link in it, it is supposed to set focus to the
appropriate form. This does occur, but it appears that when the Click
event completes, the form with the TreeView control on it gets the
focus back. So other than the TreeView form, the proper WebBrowser form
is at the front.

How do I get the form with the TreeView to remain behind the properly
selected WebBrowser form?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Mark Dahl

Toff McGowen

isn't it just me.sendtoback? form inherits from control so this should work.


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


I am not aware how long you are working already with VBNet.

Quiet anoying however logical is that in Net, when you change an item in an
event, it is possible that it triggers its own or another event. (This
happens especially with the combobox, listbox and treeview)

That can change the behaviour. Are you sure that it is not that.

I hope this helps,




I will try doing that, I was able to have it work the first time I
click the link by doing a WebBrowserForm.BringToFront,
WebBrowserForm.Activate, and WebBrowserForm.Focus in the WebBrowser
controls _Navigated Event. But once the form has been loaded, this
event no longer runs as I am just setting focus (activating, bringing
to the front) the appropriate WebBrowserForm. In my quick trial,
however, this did not work (or I am not finding the last event that is
causing the Navigator form to get the focus back.


Honestly, I am new to .NET. I have only really been working on .NET for
about 2 weeks. It is obviously event oriented, because this problem is
specific to the MouseDown event but the KeyDown event of the TreeView
works properly.

Do you have an event that you believe would work properly for Toff's
suggestion? I would prefer an event that can be tied to the TreeView.

Thanks for the responses and the help.

Mark Dahl

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


And you are sure that there (as I wrote) is not any instruction more
triggered that is done in your treeview form?

Did you debug your program?




Here is the ONLY code around the navigator:

Private Sub tvwNavigator_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles tvwNavigator.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
If Not tvwNavigator.SelectedNode.Equals(Nothing) Then
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tvwNavigator_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles tvwNavigator.MouseDown
tvwNavigator.SelectedNode = tvwNavigator.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y)
End Sub

Other than the above code, the form only has a _Load event that fills
the TreeView, a mnuNavExit_Click event that closes the application and
a mnuNavLargeIcons_Click event that will change the ImageList for the

So I don't know if there is anything else I should check.

Mark Dahl

Cor Ligthert [MVP]

tvwNavigator.SelectedNode = tvwNavigator.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y)
In my idea will this give an action as the form get painted again.

Can you remove it and see what happens?




Nope that didn't work and now I have even more problems, because the
SelectedNode is not the right one.

Mark Dahl

Toff McGowen

Hi Mark,

Why do you use tvwNavigator.MouseDown? There is an event called AfterSelect
that fires after a node in a treeview is selected. To get the newly selected
node just query the argument
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs

of this event for e.Node.

Using mousedown as you have may well return nothing for GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y)
if the coordinates do not map to a node.

This probably wont solve your initial problem however so can you show us the
code for


You said above that there is no more code on the treeview form and yet i
dont see any kind of type/instance qualifier for ProcessNavigatorClick() so
i can only assume its Me.ProcessNavigatorClick?




Microsoft suggested that event too. And I originally used code from
Microsoft's site to process the link. The problem is that if you select
a Node then close the form that was opened by that click. Then click
the same Node again, the AfterSelect code does not fire. Using
AfterSelect still had the same problem, so I will show you a little
more of the code involved here. This code is in a module called

Class myTreeNode
Inherits TreeNode
Public FilePath As String
Public RollOverText As String

Sub New(ByVal fp As String)

Dim strTemp() As String
strTemp = Split(fp, "||")

FilePath = strTemp(0)
Me.Text = strTemp(1)
RollOverText = strTemp(2)
End Sub
End Class

Public Sub ProcessNavigatorClick(ByVal NavigatorClickSelect As
Dim nodeCount As Integer =
If nodeCount > 0 Then
If NavigatorClickSelect.ImageIndex = 0 Then
NavigatorClickSelect.ImageIndex = 1
NavigatorClickSelect.ImageIndex = 0
End If
NavigatorClickSelect.SelectedImageIndex =
Dim myNode As myTreeNode
myNode = CType(NavigatorClickSelect, myTreeNode)
If myNode.FilePath <> "NULL" Then
OpenWebManageScreen(myNode.FilePath, Navigator)
End If
End If
End Sub

Public Sub OpenWebManageScreen(ByVal NavigateTo As String, ByVal
Parent As Form)
Dim WebManage As New WebManager

If Not PerformFormAction(NavigateTo, -1, "A") Then
WebManage.URLStart = NavigateTo
End If
End Sub

Public Function PerformFormAction(ByVal FormName As String,
Optional ByVal FormID As Long = 0, Optional ByVal FormAction As String
= "") As Boolean
' Procedure: FormAction
' Purpose: To find open / existing forms and perform a specific
action on the form
' 'S' - Call Search on Form should be a sub on
the form called 'Search' or 'RefreshData'
' 'R' - Refresh the Form should be a sub on
the form called 'RefreshData'
' 'C' - Clear the Form should be a sub on
the form called 'ClearForm'
' 'I' - Check IsDirty on Form should be a sub on
the form called 'IsDirty'
' 'A' - Activate the Form should bring the
form to the front

PerformFormAction = False

If System.Windows.Forms.Application.OpenForms.Count > 0 Then
For Each frm As Form In My.Application.OpenForms
If frm.Name = FormName Then
Select Case FormAction
Case "A"

End Select
PerformFormAction = True
End If
End If
End Function

Please do let me know if you see a logic flaw or something I am doing
here that could be causing the problem.

I have posted this in the Microsoft forums, but your help has been much
better so far.

Mark Dahl

Toff McGowen

Hi Mark

Ive taken a quick look. I will look at little harder in a couple of hours.
It looks like you use the navigateTo parameter as a url to navigate to and
then pass this varibale in as a form name as well?

Dim myNode As myTreeNode
myNode = CType(NavigatorClickSelect, myTreeNode)
If myNode.FilePath <> "NULL" Then
OpenWebManageScreen(myNode.FilePath, Navigator)
End If

OpenWebManageScreen this passes thisUrl not form name into

So in ProcessNavigatorClick this code
If System.Windows.Forms.Application.OpenForms.Count > 0 Then
For Each frm As Form In My.Application.OpenForms
If frm.Name = FormName Then
Select Case FormAction
Case "A"

doesn't find the form to focus because you have passed in a Url rather than
a form name?

Please confirm this with the debugger.... otherwise i will have a better
look later.




First of all, thank you for all your help!

Second, I do change the name of the form to the URL that is passed to
the form. My reason for doing this has to do with how
my.application.openforms works. According to this site,
(at least originally - it appears that the comment was removed) it had
said you could only access the form by it's Index (which I would not
know) and the Name property. So here is the code from the WebManager:

Private Sub WebManager_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
LoadComplete = False

Me.Icon = ApplicationIcon
Me.Name = URLStart
wbrWebManager.Navigate(New Uri(URLStart))

LoadComplete = True
End Sub

Thanks again.

Mark Dahl

Toff McGowen

Hi Mark,

Ok i cant see anything specific from the code you've supplied. What are your
property settings is the treeview form set to TopMost or something?



Toff, Cor and anyone else interested,
From the Microsoft forum, someone suggested using the MouseMove event
to actually process the click (this is apparently the last Mouse event
that is processed) and this worked. So to show you what changed, here
is the code:

Private Sub tvwNavigator_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles tvwNavigator.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
If Not tvwNavigator.SelectedNode.Equals(Nothing) Then
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub tvwNavigator_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles tvwNavigator.MouseDown
tvwNavigator.SelectedNode = tvwNavigator.GetNodeAt(e.X,
_SiteSelected = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub tvwNavigator_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles tvwNavigator.MouseMove
If _SiteSelected Then
_SiteSelected = False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Hope that helps anyone else out there that has this problem.

Mark Dahl

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