Form - E-mail Data


Sam Richardson


I've been creating a website and I have 2 forms which I
want to post data to an e-mail address, but for the e-mail
itself not to pop up on the screen. I've built my site in
Dreamweaver, but read that Frontpage codes the form for
you. I've created my form now in Frontpage and uploaded
it to my web server (which says it has frontpage
Extentions). When I test the form, the page cannot be
found..the url shows my website/--WEBBOT-SELF-- and I
receive no e-mail of the info I tried to submit.

Can anyone offer advice please...I'm no expert!

Thanks in advance :)

Thomas A. Rowe

You must be publish the form via FP to and the
form should work as long as the host has configured the extensions to
process email.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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