Form becomes Dirty for no apparent reason.



I show the pages of a TAB control programatically and the form becomes
RANDOMLY Dirty for no apparent reason. How can I determine which bound
control is being changed. (The reasons I use this technique are unimportant)

Detail -
TAB has 4 pages and Style is NONE
Code is: TabCtl.Pages(0).SetFocus

On the SAME 'record' of the form, when a page is shown, sometimes Page(1)
then other times Page(0) then Page(3) etc. of the TAB control, the form
becomes dirty.

I go to the next record then come back and another page will cause the form
to become dirty. The Dirty pencil appears IMMEDIATELY after the SetFocus
method so definitely no code is being explicitely executed.

Michel Walsh


Your code probably write in a bound control in the Current event handling

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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