ForegroundLockTimeout - NO WORKY!


Scott McDonald

The focus stealing thing is making me want to drive up to the Seattle area
and leave a flaming bag full of dog poo on Bill Gate's doorstep.

I've set EVERY INSTANCE of "ForegroundLockTimeout" in the registry to
99999999999 (until it truncates it...) as well as trying various recommended
numbers like 200000 etc restarted the system and STILL everything keeps
stealing focus like it's going out of style.

What I have found is that after restarting the HKCU ForegroundLockTimeout is
back to 0 every time; why is it switching back? And yes, I do have
administrative rights to the machine etc; all the other instances in the
registry where that is found I've also set to 99999999 until it truncates it
and they remain as I set them, this first one and apparently the most
important one goes back to 0 - why?



Bob I

What did YOU install that overwrites that key? The Default is 200000.
Remove the malware and things should go back to normal.

Scott McDonald

This is a fresh loaded system, nothing on it but OS, drivers, office etc.

Try not to be such a jackass in your responses.

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