I have a report with the following sections:
Report Header
Page Header
TierGroup Header
SpltiName Header
SplitName Footer
TierGroup Footer
Page Footer
Report Footer
I want Each TierGroup to force a new page after TierGroup Footer. So
that a new page starts when a new TierGroup Starts. However I do not
want the report footer to be on its own page. So after the last
TierGroup formats I want the report to then place the Report Footer
below it. IS this possible? Let me know if you have any questions as I
tried to explain it the best I could.
Report Header
Page Header
TierGroup Header
SpltiName Header
SplitName Footer
TierGroup Footer
Page Footer
Report Footer
I want Each TierGroup to force a new page after TierGroup Footer. So
that a new page starts when a new TierGroup Starts. However I do not
want the report footer to be on its own page. So after the last
TierGroup formats I want the report to then place the Report Footer
below it. IS this possible? Let me know if you have any questions as I
tried to explain it the best I could.