Force Date



On my form frmMain, I have two fields, Incorrect Data and Incorrect Date.
Incorrect Data is a Yes/No check box. When Incorrect Data is marked Yes, I
want the date to auto populate in the Incorrect Date field. How do I do this?

Jerry Whittle

In the after update event of the Incorrect Data control put the following:

If Me.[Incorrect Data] = -1 Then
Me.[Incorrect Date] = Date
End If

Jeff Boyce

One approach might be to use something like the following in the AfterUpdate
event procedure for [IncorrectData]:

If Me![IncorrectData] = True Then
Me![IncorrectDate] = Date()
'put here what you want to have happen if the checkbox is unchecked
End If


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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