Force circular reference



Oh wise ones,
I have a file that constantly updates. I have some
circular references in the file and have set up my options to allow for 1
iteration which I have read would allow for this. The problem is sometimes
when I open the file the circular reference option is turned off. Is what
can I do to prevent this. Is it like the calculation manual/auto issure where
you can force one or the other in a workbook open event? If so, what would
the syntax be?


Niek Otten

Hi Mike,

Iteration, like the other Calculation Options, is an Excel-wide setting. If
you open a workbook that has iteration disabled, and then open another one,
it will be disabled in that one too, no matter how it was saved.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel


So if I force automatic calculation by the code below, what can I use to
force a circular reference when a workbook is opened.

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic


Niek Otten

Hi Mike,

The Macro recorder gave this:

With Application
.Iteration = True
.MaxIterations = 1
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

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