force addins.add to change folder for an addin


Brian Murphy

Hello Excellers,

I'm trying to make an addin be auto-installing when it is opened.

The addin's "installed" property is false so it does not get opened when excel starts up.

If the addin is already installed in one folder, but is now being opened from second folder, I try to use Addins.Add with the full pathname of the new folder.

This seems to get done without error, but the folder for the addin does not actually get changed. As evidenced by closing and reopening excel, and finding that the addin is still being pointed to in the first folder.

Is there some way to force the folder change to take place?


Brian Murphy
Austin, Texas


you'd need to delete the registry settings - not difficult to do, but
everytime Excel closes it updates these settings. So this is quite tricky.
Run Regedit and and look in KKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft /
Office / 10.0 / Excel / Options

you wil see names like 'OPEN','OPEN1' ...'OPENnn' where each addin is
listed. Delete any you don't want.

Open Excel, check the add-in manager, select an add-in the go back to the
worksheet, close excel and rexamine the registry again.
We haev done considerable work on this and to "guarantee" our custom add-ins
load correctly, we clean the registry, add our components to it and then
excel is ready to open. tedious, but we run bit of VB so its fast, seemless
and painless!

Hope this helps

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