Forbidden IP address, 403.6 error


Mortimer Schnurd

I'm just getting started with ASP.Net and have run into a security
issue and I am hoping someone on this NG can help shed some light on
this problem. My Google searches turned up numerous hits but nothing
seemed relevant to my particular problem.

I recently installed the QuickStart application that comes with Net
Framework SDK 1.1. I can access the application using
http://localhost/QuickStart without any problem. However, if I try to
use http://mycomputername/Quickstart, I get a 403.6 error, Forbidden
IP. The IISHelp application is also installed, but I can access that
app with either localhost or mycomputername. The Directory Security
settings are the same for both apps. Why would I get a security error
when using mycomputername to access QuickStart?

I am running Windows XP Pro with it's IIS on an intranet domain. The
button to edit IP addresses under Directory Security is greyed out,
but I understand this is normal with the XP Pro version of IIS. I
don't thin the button being greyed out has any relevance to the
problem. However, other similar discussions refer to this button to
correct the security settings for IIS on Windows Server.

Thanks for any help or information you can extend.
John Wood a.k.a Mortimer Schnurd
(e-mail address removed)

(to reply: drop dropthistag)

Nicole Calinoiu


Even though the IIS MMC console doesn't support IP restrictions in Windows
XP Pro, IIS can still be configured to exclude specified client IP
addresses, and this is done programmatically during the QuickStart setup.
You can modify the configured IP restrictions using a tool that is
distributed with the SDK. It should be located at <SDK 1.1


Mortimer Schnurd


Even though the IIS MMC console doesn't support IP restrictions in Windows
XP Pro, IIS can still be configured to exclude specified client IP
addresses, and this is done programmatically during the QuickStart setup.
You can modify the configured IP restrictions using a tool that is
distributed with the SDK. It should be located at <SDK 1.1


Your suggestion to use WebIPSetting worked great! The tool also allows
you to query a current setting. Querying QuickStart did indeed show
the application was denying access to all IP's accept
Changing it to "Grant All" did the trick. Thanks for your help!

John Wood a.k.a Mortimer Schnurd
(e-mail address removed)

(to reply: drop dropthistag)

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