for sorting



I am writing a script using the 'for' command that should list a line in the
output of a command. However it seems to hang. The syntax below is what I
have come up with. What I want to do is use the file cls.txt to house my
clustered server names and feed that to the uptime utility. Then scan the
output of that for a certain line of text (cluster availability). Could
someone offer me some advise on my syntax, this thing hangs up...

for /f %%a in (cls.txt) do (
uptime %%a /p:30 /v
findstr /i /c:"cluster availability"

Thank you, Larry

Jerold Schulman

I am writing a script using the 'for' command that should list a line in the
output of a command. However it seems to hang. The syntax below is what I
have come up with. What I want to do is use the file cls.txt to house my
clustered server names and feed that to the uptime utility. Then scan the
output of that for a certain line of text (cluster availability). Could
someone offer me some advise on my syntax, this thing hangs up...

for /f %%a in (cls.txt) do (
uptime %%a /p:30 /v
findstr /i /c:"cluster availability"

Thank you, Larry

for /f %%a in (cls.txt) do (
for /f %%b in ('uptime %%a /p:30 /v^|Findstr /i /c:"cluster availability"') do (
@echo %%b

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.


Thank you Jerold, I appreciate your input. They output that I am looking for
from a single command is:

uptime myserver | findstr /i /c:"statistics for
/i /c:"cluster availability"
Statistics for Cluster Node: server1
Statistics for Cluster Node: server2
Availability Statistics for Cluster: myserver
Cluster Availability: 99.8470%

I guess I get confused with the multiple (command (command etc....)

thank you, Larry


Jerold Schulman

Since I don't have a cluster, I am not sure what you are asking.

Thank you Jerold, I appreciate your input. They output that I am looking for
from a single command is:

uptime myserver | findstr /i /c:"statistics for
/i /c:"cluster availability"
Statistics for Cluster Node: server1
Statistics for Cluster Node: server2
Availability Statistics for Cluster: myserver
Cluster Availability: 99.8470%

I guess I get confused with the multiple (command (command etc....)

thank you, Larry

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.


If I just run this from the command prompt (without using for) I get the
following output:

The command:

uptime myserver | findstr /i /c:"uptime report" /c:"syst
em avai" /c:"total uptime"

The output:
Uptime Report for: \\aserver
System Availability: 99.8303%
Total Uptime: 453d 3h:26m:57s

If I use the 'for' command to loop thru a server list, the output comes
out like:

Type at the command prompt:

for /f %a in (cls.txt) do (for /f %b in ('uptime %a ^| fi
ndstr /i /c:"uptime report" /c:"system avai" /c:"total uptime"') do
(@echo %b ))

The output:

for /F %b in ('uptime fzrvew02m | findstr /i /c:"uptime
report" /c:"system avai" /c:"total uptime"') do () )




Can anyone tell me what I've missed?

Thank you....

Matthias Tacke

Larry said:
If I just run this from the command prompt (without using for) I get
the >following output:

The command:

uptime myserver | findstr /i /c:"uptime report" /c:"syst
em avai" /c:"total uptime"

The output:
Uptime Report for: \\aserver
System Availability: 99.8303%
Total Uptime: 453d 3h:26m:57s
Can anyone tell me what I've missed?

Thank you....

Yes, you missed at all to tell us what you want to achieve with your
- extract the percentage / Uptime ?
- to a file / var ?

See the for /f options in the help "skip=1 tokens=2 delims=:"

for /?



Matthias, the output from this uptime command can be quite large. What I
want are a few lines from this output that contain:

Uptime Report for: \\aserver
System Availability: 99.8303%
Total Uptime: 453d 3h:26m:57s

the above information is 3 lines of probably 20. What I need to do is
extract these 3 lines and remove that space so they line up (that would be
nice, however not really important). Some of my problem (other than being an
amatuer at this) is I want to feed more than one command to 'FOR' after the
'DO' command. I get lost when I need to do something for ex. for /f % a in
(myfile.txt) do uptime myserver | findstr /i "stuff", actually I am not sure
where to put the (command(another command) etc. Then I would like to push
this output to a file that I can use blat to email to myself.

I have a list of servers that I need to feed to the FOR command as well.
Which would probably look something like:

for /f %a in (server.dat) do uptime %a | findstr /i /c:"info" /c:"moreinfo"
/c:"somemoreinfo" > outfile.dat


Jerold Schulman

@echo off
if exist outfile.dat del /q outfile.dat
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in (server.dat) do (
for /f "Tokens=*" %%b in ('uptime %%a') do (
set line=%%b
call :parse
blat .........................
del /q outfile.dat
goto :EOF
if /i "%line:~0,18%" EQU "Uptime Report for:" goto output
if /i %"line:~0,19%" EQU "System Availability:" goto output
if /i %"line:~0,13%" EQU "Total Uptime:" goto output
goto :EOF
@echo %line%>>outfile.dat

Matthias, the output from this uptime command can be quite large. What I
want are a few lines from this output that contain:

Uptime Report for: \\aserver
System Availability: 99.8303%
Total Uptime: 453d 3h:26m:57s

the above information is 3 lines of probably 20. What I need to do is
extract these 3 lines and remove that space so they line up (that would be
nice, however not really important). Some of my problem (other than being an
amatuer at this) is I want to feed more than one command to 'FOR' after the
'DO' command. I get lost when I need to do something for ex. for /f % a in
(myfile.txt) do uptime myserver | findstr /i "stuff", actually I am not sure
where to put the (command(another command) etc. Then I would like to push
this output to a file that I can use blat to email to myself.

I have a list of servers that I need to feed to the FOR command as well.
Which would probably look something like:

for /f %a in (server.dat) do uptime %a | findstr /i /c:"info" /c:"moreinfo"
/c:"somemoreinfo" > outfile.dat


Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

Matthias Tacke

Jerold said:
@echo off
if exist outfile.dat del /q outfile.dat
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in (server.dat) do (
for /f "Tokens=*" %%b in ('uptime %%a') do (
set line=%%b
call :parse
blat .........................
del /q outfile.dat
goto :EOF
if /i "%line:~0,18%" EQU "Uptime Report for:" goto output
if /i %"line:~0,19%" EQU "System Availability:" goto output
if /i %"line:~0,13%" EQU "Total Uptime:" goto output
goto :EOF
@echo %line%>>outfile.dat
Hello Jerold,
I'm not shure if the positional comparisons work due to indentations.

@larry here's my solution

Findstr supports multiple searchstrings in a file see findstr /?

I tested the following batch partially based on a previous thread with
uptime.[email protected]

@echo off

:: Set Output to same Drive:path\Name as this batch with extension rep
set RepFile=%~dpn0.rep
if exist %RepFile% Del /Q %RepFile%

:: setup file with keywords for findstr /G option
set Keywords=%temp%\Uptime.key
%KeyWords% Echo Uptime Report for:

:: loop though servers and then filter on keywords
for /f %%a in (server.dat) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in (
'uptime %%a /p:30 /v ^|Findstr /I /G:%KeyWords%') do (
Call :Strip %%b
del /Q %KeyWords% %RepFile%
goto :eof
:: Words in %%b are treated as arguments spaces reduced to one


Jerold Schulman

It works because the FOR command removes leading spaces.

Hello Jerold,
I'm not shure if the positional comparisons work due to indentations.

@Larry here's my solution

Findstr supports multiple searchstrings in a file see findstr /?

I tested the following batch partially based on a previous thread with
uptime.[email protected]

@echo off

:: Set Output to same Drive:path\Name as this batch with extension rep
set RepFile=%~dpn0.rep
if exist %RepFile% Del /Q %RepFile%

:: setup file with keywords for findstr /G option
set Keywords=%temp%\Uptime.key

:: loop though servers and then filter on keywords
for /f %%a in (server.dat) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in (
'uptime %%a /p:30 /v ^|Findstr /I /G:%KeyWords%') do (
Call :Strip %%b
del /Q %KeyWords% %RepFile%
goto :eof
:: Words in %%b are treated as arguments spaces reduced to one


Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

Matthias Tacke

Jerold said:
It works because the FOR command removes leading spaces.

Yes, of course, thanks for the hint.

I stuck with a "delims=:" in mind to get only the value.

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