For...Next not copying text from Worksheet to Worksheet, but no Er



I have a command button on my UserForm that calculates the values for
FacePlastic_Row, HangRail_Row, and TrimCap_Row. These values represent a Row
Number where my Part Descriptions are. If the part is not used it = 0. I
want the For...Next loop to copy the Parts Description to the Worksheet("BOM
& Labor"). The problem is when I click the button nothing happens and no
errors. Anybody have any ideas?

The Array(FacePlastic_Qty, HangRail_Qty, TrimCap_Qty) represents the
quantities of the part that is used. It doesn't copy the Quantity to
Sheets("BOM & Labor") either and no errors? Any ideas?

Private Sub cmbBOM_Click()

Dim LastRow As Double
Dim myValue As Variant
Dim myQty As Variant
Dim myBOM_Des As Variant
Dim myBOM_Qty As Variant

Sheets("BOM & Labor").Unprotect "AdTech"

LastRow = Sheets("BOM & Labor").Range("A5").Row

'array of row address where the part description is located in "Parts
myBOM_Des = Array(FacePlastic_Row, HangRail_Row, TrimCap_Row)

'adds part descriptions from "Parts List" to "BOM & Labor"
For Each myValue In myBOM_Des
LastRow = LastRow + 1
If myValue <> 0 Then
Sheets("BOM & Labor").Range("A" & LastRow & ":D" &
LastRow) = Sheets("Parts List").Range("A" & myValue & ":D" & myValue)
End If
Next myValue

LastRow = Sheets("BOM & Labor").Range("A5").Row

'array of required part quantities
myBOM_Qty = Array(FacePlastic_Qty, HangRail_Qty, TrimCap_Qty)

'adds part quantities next to the description
For Each myQty In myBOM_Qty
LastRow = LastRow + 1
If myQty <> 0 Then
Sheets("BOM & Labor").Range("E" & LastRow) = myQty
End If
Next myQty

Sheets("BOM & Labor").Protect "AdTech"

End Sub

Thanks in Advance,

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