For Each - Range Cell




How can I make to get data from a .dbf file from a Excel Macro, and replace it into a Cell in a determinated Sheet.

I made something like this.

Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheets("07").Range("B7:B10")
For Each Cell In rng
If Cell <> "" Then

'----> here I want to select the value of the next column , for example if the cursor is positioning at B7 with value "03/07/2004" I would like to obtaint C7 value (only "AM" and "PM" is saved in this cells), then with this 2 values I need to look into a .DBF file located at c:\fax named faxdata.dbf wich has a column called datefax (type Date) and another column called AMPM (type Char 2) and a third column called Lamount (type Integer) and what I need is to copy this value into the next column in the same Sheet (D7) <-------'

End If

Please make it as simple as possible because I am new in macros, however any suggest wil be very appreciate it.



Frank Kabel

msgbox cell.offset(0,1).value
-----Original Message-----

How can I make to get data from a .dbf file from a Excel
Macro, and replace it into a Cell in a determinated Sheet.
I made something like this.

Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheets("07").Range("B7:B10")
For Each Cell In rng
If Cell <> "" Then

'----> here I want to select the value of
the next column , for example if the cursor is positioning
at B7 with value "03/07/2004" I would like to obtaint C7
value (only "AM" and "PM" is saved in this cells), then
with this 2 values I need to look into a .DBF file located
at c:\fax named faxdata.dbf wich has a column called
datefax (type Date) and another column called AMPM (type
Char 2) and a third column called Lamount (type Integer)
and what I need is to copy this value into the next column
in the same Sheet (D7) <-------'
End If

Please make it as simple as possible because I am new in
macros, however any suggest wil be very appreciate it.


Thank you Frank, I got the next column value, but Could you help me with the rest?.



Me Again,

I complete my macro and it works but until date 09/07/04, the rest idk why? but it's being ignored.

Ill show you so you can have a better idea of what I wanted to do, I need your help please!!

Sub Macro1()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\TEMP\faxdata.DBF"
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheets("07").Range("B7:B80")
'at B7 begins my dates from 01/07/04 until 31/07/04
For Each Cell In rng
If Cell <> "" Then
Data = Cell ' here I keep my Date
OPE = IIf(Cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "a", "AM", "PM")
'I change a/p to AM/PM 'cause in faxdata the value is like that
With Worksheets("faxdata").Range("A1:A1000")
Set c = .Find(Data, LookIn:=xlValues) 'I found this example and I take it
'but Idk how it works exactly LookIn:=xlValues??
If Not c Is Nothing Then
'I guess this means If c has a value or not, right?
If OPE = "AM" Then
adrow = 0
adrow = 18
End If
Cell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Cells(c.Row + adrow, 11)
Cell.Offset(0, 3).Value = Cells(c.Row + adrow + 1, 11)
Cell.Offset(0, 4).Value = Cells(c.Row + adrow + 2, 11)
Cell.Offset(0, 7).Value = Cells(c.Row + adrow + 12, 11)
'at C2004.xls I replace the values i need it
End If
End With
End If
End Sub

Help me please


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