footnotes with multiple sections



I have a very long technical document (350+ pages) broken up into sections.
My footnotes are continuous by section, for example: 3-1, 3-2, 3-3.....

My problem occurs when I have footnotes on multiple pages in the same
section. At the beginning of section 3 I have footnotes 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4,
3-5, and 3-6. At the bottom of the next page of section 3 I have more
footnotes that should start with 3-7. Instead they start with 3-9 (the
numbering jumps from 3-6 to 3-9).

This is a very large, complex document with a lot of links hidden in the
text. I believe it was originally written with WordPerfect (a long time
ago). I am tasked with fixing this footnote problem and would like to know
if there is an easy way to fix the formatting problem

Daiya Mitchell

Have you been using track changes?

What version of Word?

Are your footnotes *really* numbered 3-1, 3-2, etc? Because I didn't
realize Word offered that as a number format choice, which makes me wonder
if your notes are actually custom marks. If you insert a new note, do all
the others automatically update in number?

There have been problems with footnotes in documents converting from WP...


Hi Daiya,

Yes we are using track changes.

Whoever first put in the original footnotes was pretty tricky. What I think
they did was insert them as a regular footnote 1, 2, 3, 4. Then they
manually typed the following code in front of the formatted number to get the
section number:

REF _Ref480250960 \r \t \* MERGEFORMAT

I accessed this code by highlighting the section number in the footnote,
right clicking, then selecting "Toggle Field Codes."

Daiya Mitchell


If you are tracking changes, the footnote numbers will not sort themselves
out until you have accepted all changes.

By the way, what you have (I think) is a cross-reference next to a footnote.
Footnotes update without the user doing anything--Cross-References you have
to manually update by Select All (cntl-A), then hitting F9 to Update Fields.
But select all only selects main text, not headers, etc, so you might have
to do that multiple places. All that's just FYI, I think Track Changes is
causing the issue you reported. I'll have to remember that trick, although
using a field to get the Section number might have worked better.


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