Footer font formating in Excel



I wrote VB to format my footer font in excel to a certain point size. I also
have to scale the page I am printing to 1 wide by 1 tall. I want the font to
appear the same size on all the pages that I am printing, but becasue each
page is scaling differently the font appears larger or smaller when printed.

***Is there a way to scale the page being printed in excel, without scaling
the footer (or header) font.***


Dim zm As Single, FS As Single

zm = ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom
FS = 12 * (100 / zm)
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftFooter = "&" & FS & "MyFooter"
End With

amend to fit your needs...


Thank you for the quick response. The VBA code you gave made sense and I
think is a great solution. However, I had a problem when I tried to apply it
to my situation. I have a template in excel I am printing that expands or
contracts when it runs through a print macro depending on the data it is
reporting. In order to best fit the page for printing I have the scaling set
to 1 page wide by 1 page tall. zm = ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom therefore
returns a 0. I can't figure out how to switch the scaling to zoom using VBA
(I tried using ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom = True but it doesn't work). Any
thoughts about an alternative solution?

Thanks so much



My bad - didn't take that into account.

The only other way that I can think of is to count the number of used rows
and compare that to
the number of rows it would print at zoom = 100

You can do that with something like usedrange.rows.count

or Lastrow = Cells(Rows.COUNT, "A").End(xlUp).Row
(Set A for the column that will always have an entry in the last row.

or LastRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
(be careful with this one because it will count any row that had an entry
and than had the entry cleared)

Say Lastrow = 100 and normal number of rows is 56
FS = 12*100/56

but this would just be an approximation because of the added affect of the
number of columns.


What I ended up doing was taking your solution along with using other code
that was able to retreive the Zoom percentage using "SendKeys"and it worked
out nicely.




Any chance you can advise how you got around this by posting the code as
this is what I am trying to achieve and have not been able to find this

Thanks, Nav

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