Font Substitution




I understand how the Office suite substitutes a missing font with what it
considers the nearest match, and how to specify which font it uses to replace
missing fonts with. What I want to know is how do you make Office let you
know when it has a font missing ? I often have to convert Word documents to
PDFs for commercial printing but I have know realised that I have been
printing documents with a different font to that which the customer intended.
Surely there should be a warning box come up to say that fonts are
missing/have been substituted ?

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Black
I understand how the Office suite substitutes a missing font with what it
considers the nearest match, and how to specify which font it uses to replace
missing fonts with. What I want to know is how do you make Office let you
know when it has a font missing ? I often have to convert Word documents to
PDFs for commercial printing but I have know realised that I have been
printing documents with a different font to that which the customer intended.
Surely there should be a warning box come up to say that fonts are
missing/have been substituted ?

what version of Word are you talking about?

There are two stages where fonts are substituted: the displaying
on-screen, and the printing/PDF creation process. A font not present
(installed) on the system will already be substituted for displaying by
Word. You'll find that out in the Compatibility Options.

A font installed but with a flag set that does not allow embedding in a
PDF is embedded or not depending on the converter/printer driver you're
using: not every tool honors this flag (even early Acrobat versions did
not ...). But this is something you should find out in the tool's menu.


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