Folders in PST do not display



Using Outlook 2003 and Windows XP -- when opening Personal Folders(1).pst,
only Deleted Items and Search Folders display. The file size is 122MB. I
have tried to repair with scanpst.exe, but it reports no errors, 6 folders
found in this file and 0 items found in this file. Any other tools that can
be used to recover data from a corrupt PST file? Thank you in advance for
you help.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

Using Outlook 2003 and Windows XP -- when opening Personal
Folders(1).pst, only Deleted Items and Search Folders display. The
file size is 122MB. I have tried to repair with scanpst.exe, but it
reports no errors, 6 folders found in this file and 0 items found in
this file. Any other tools that can be used to recover data from a
corrupt PST file? Thank you in advance for you help.

I don't suppose your other folders are under Deleted Items are they?


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


There are no items in the Deleted Items folder; any suggestions for how to
recover the folders/items since scanpst.exe is not working?

Brian Tillman

Diamonds_Mine said:
Using Outlook 2003 and Windows XP -- when opening Personal
Folders(1).pst, only Deleted Items and Search Folders display.

The "(1)" in the file name indicates to me that there's more than one PST
and you've somehow added this one, overriding your original. Enable
searching hidden files and folders and look for any additional PSTs. If you
find any, open them with FIle>Open>Outlook Data File to see is they may
contain your missing data. If so, change your delivery location (bottom
left pf Tools>E-mail Accounts>Next) to use the one with the correct data.


Thank you Brian. Yes, there are other pst files and those open fine. But
this one was also created by the user and now it displays no items.


I had same problem...everything was day outlook says personal
folders2 is not a valid location...cannot open/folders hold lots of
data...ran scandisk...then said directory d:\mft$ (something like that) is
corrupt...said run chkdsk
did it says not valid location again...
i looked in folder locatron...pst file shows no data...where did it go???


We are experiencing the same problem with our users. Is there a solution to
this? One of our users has two archive folders. We see the folders but
nothing contained in any of those folders. The file sizes for the archive
folders are over 1000 KB. I would appreciate any help you could provide.



Bill, thanks for your response. We ran the scanpst.exe, which seemed to work
OK. However, there were no RECOVERED PERSONAL FOLDERS listed in the Folder
List so that we could recover those messages. Since this particular employee
needs his archived messages to do his job, it would be nice if we could
somehow retrieve them.

Thanks again for your help. - Darlene


I am experiencing this same problem, I cannot find an email I accidentally
moved to my personal folder icon,,,, I hope someone responses with an answer
on how to find this email..




I am having the same problem. I have multiple pst files that, in the
windows environment are 500mb. However when I open the pst file in outlook
the file size is 0 and these is no data. Directories such as inbox, sent
items and deleted items are all these but there are no files. Any Ideas? I
ahve already run Scanpst.exe on back up copies. I have also tried to open
backup copies using Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2003.

Brian Tillman

Kirk Ingersoll said:
I am having the same problem. I have multiple pst files that, in the
windows environment are 500mb. However when I open the pst file in
outlook the file size is 0 and these is no data.

The you have your answer: there is no data. The structures that indicate
where in the PST the data resides have been lost. Your only hope is a
commercial Office data recovery company or, perhaps, this:

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