Folder sharing does not work, desperate!



XP Pro SP2, FAT32, admin rights.
In Explorer, if I right click on the root drive (eg C or D) and select
"sharing and security", the sharing dialog box appears and I can share
/ unshare the root drive.
When I right click on a subfolder and select "sharing and security",
the sharing dialog box DOES NOT appear. Nothing happens, nada, nix,
zip, zero.

I also have a subfolder that I shared when I installed XP about 12
months ago. I now cannot unshare this folder, the sharing dialog box
refuses to appear.

My network works fine. I can see other machines on the network and copy
files to / from them. I have run the network wizard to reset file
sharing, no go. Simple File Sharing is ticked. The share service is
running (which it must be if I can share the root).

Can someone please help? Are there any command lines or third party
products / tweaks I can use? I'm getting desperate and short of new
install, I cannot see anyway around this problem.

Note - the same problem also happens for the "Properties" of a folder.
I can get the Properties dialog box to appear for the root dir but not
for any of the subfolders.
I suspect the two problems are related and if I can fix one then maybe
the other will go away....


XP Pro SP2, FAT32, admin rights.
In Explorer, if I right click on the root drive (eg C or D) and select
"sharing and security", the sharing dialog box appears and I can share
/ unshare the root drive.
When I right click on a subfolder and select "sharing and security",
the sharing dialog box DOES NOT appear. Nothing happens, nada, nix,
zip, zero.

I also have a subfolder that I shared when I installed XP about 12
months ago. I now cannot unshare this folder, the sharing dialog box
refuses to appear.

My network works fine. I can see other machines on the network and copy
files to / from them. I have run the network wizard to reset file
sharing, no go. Simple File Sharing is ticked. The share service is
running (which it must be if I can share the root).

Can someone please help? Are there any command lines or third party
products / tweaks I can use? I'm getting desperate and short of new
install, I cannot see anyway around this problem.

Note - the same problem also happens for the "Properties" of a folder.
I can get the Properties dialog box to appear for the root dir but not
for any of the subfolders.
I suspect the two problems are related and if I can fix one then maybe
the other will go away....


With Simple File Sharing enabled (ticked), you have just 2 choices for any
# Whether to share the folder for network access.
# Whether to give read access or read-write access.

Try disabling Simple File Sharing.

It's also possible that you are another victim of "885250".

Please let us know if any of these suggestions are of any help. What you learn
may help others in the future, and that's the purpose of these forums.


Thank you for the suggestions unfortuantely they did not help. I don't
have a problem getting access to the files in the shared folder, I just
cannot share other folders because the Share dialog box refuses to
I have tried with SFS checked and unchecked.
However I have just discovered a work around, if I reboot in Safe Mode
with Networking, I can share the folders as I need and the share stays
activated when I reboot in normal mode.
So, Safe Mode with Networking, the share works as expected - Normal
mode, cannot share subfolders.


Thank you for the suggestions unfortuantely they did not help. I don't
have a problem getting access to the files in the shared folder, I just
cannot share other folders because the Share dialog box refuses to
I have tried with SFS checked and unchecked.
However I have just discovered a work around, if I reboot in Safe Mode
with Networking, I can share the folders as I need and the share stays
activated when I reboot in normal mode.
So, Safe Mode with Networking, the share works as expected - Normal
mode, cannot share subfolders.

Well, those suggestions were a start, but only that. And they were made because
my skill in mindreading is nowhere.

But, since you found a workaround that seems to solve your problem, we'll leave
it at that. Unless you wish to try something else.

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