folder removal question


Debbie Graham

Is there anyway of removing permanently the folders Netmeeting and msn
gaming zone? I don't need these, but it won't let me delete them



It's probably a spyware infection, you may have to disable it to delete
it for good.. to do so, go to Start\Run\type msconfig and enter\click
Startup tab and uncheck unknown or suspicious program.. next go to
start\run\type regedit and enter.. look in the following registry keys for
unknown or suspicious values in the Run keys and delete it/them.

See if the folder can be deleted now... if not, logon in Safe Mode and
repeat the previous instructions. To start your computer in safe mode:
Remove all floppy disks and CDs from your computer, and then restart your
computer. As the computer starts, after the memory test, the words "Starting
Windows" will appear on a black background. When this happens, press and
hold the F8 key. This will present a screen with the Safe Mode options to
choose from with the directional arrows on the keyboard and enter to select.
The exact moment that F8 is pressed will determine the contents of the list,
and the list may vary from computer to computer. If you have trouble getting
Safe Mode to appear, restart the computer and then press F8 repeatedly while
the computer is starting at +/- 1.5-to-2 second intervals.

Safe Mode: Boots Windows with only the basic drivers needed to load the
operating system. Uses basic drivers for mouse, keyboard, display (VGA),
mass storage, and default system services and drivers, with no network

If the folder cannot be deleted permanently in safe mode, install
anti-spyware programs to delete it... Recommended programs are; Adaware,
Spybot Search & Destroy, antitrojan The Cleaner, anti-CoolWebSearch
CWShredder, which should be run in Safe Mode if necessary for better

Download Adaware, Spybot and CWShredder

Download The Cleaner antitrojan


Debbie Graham

ok your right, it did delete it only the empty folders come back up. I do
use unlocker, it is a very good program, used it many times

Thanks for all your help!


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