Folder open at startup


Chris Lanier

Goto Start>>Run>>"regedit" Then navigate to

Right click and create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value,
called "PersistBrowsers" and set it according to the value data below.
Change the value to "0"

Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = do not re-open, 1 = re-open windows)

Then reboot your computer, see if that helps.

Sharon F

How do I get a folder to stop opening at startup??? It is
driving me nuts...

Is it always opening with the same folder in view? If yes, does that folder
happen to be within the same path as one of your startup programs? Items
with long filenames or have spaces in their names need to be enclosed in
quotes. If the quotes are missing (or one a set is missing), then Windows
will follow the path as far as it can and then open Explorer at the point
where it left off.

Check the paths of your start items for missing quotes. You can use
MSCONFIG> startup or System Information> Software Environment> Startup to
track down the places where these programs are loading (usually the RUN
keys in the registry). Add the missing quotes around the path. Example:
C:\Program Files\Some Program\whatever.exe
should be changed to
"C:\Program Files\Some Program\whatever.exe"

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