Folder isn't accessible



I bought a new computer and installed my old hard drive as a slave. Now, when
I try to open one of my personal folder that I created the following message
apprears. This personal folder does have some files (excel files) that are
password protected, but I can't even get that far to that excel file to enter
th password. I think this is where the problem is (with the excel password),
but I don't know how to first access the folder. Help!

The folder ' G:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PF's stuff\*.*'
isn't accessible. The folder may be located in an unavailable location,
protected with a password, or the filename contains a / or \.



I bought a new computer and installed my old hard drive as a slave. Now, when
I try to open one of my personal folder that I created the following message
apprears. This personal folder does have some files (excel files) that are
password protected, but I can't even get that far to that excel file to enter
th password. I think this is where the problem is (with the excel password),
but I don't know how to first access the folder. Help!

The folder ' G:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PF's stuff\*.*'
isn't accessible. The folder may be located in an unavailable location,
protected with a password, or the filename contains a / or \.


How to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows XP

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