Folder/File Capitalization


Gail Shermeyer

Our site is maintained on WinNT/Win 98 machines using
FP2002. It is published onto a remote Unix server.

For some reason, the folder holding all the graphics in a
new sub-web we created got capitalized. Because Unix is
case sensitive, we try to keep everything in lower case to
make life easier. When they get mixed, it it a real mess
cleaning up the links. Is there any way to tell FP not to
capitalize the first letter of file and folder names?


Steve Easton

I might be wrong, but I don't think FrontPage
automatically capitalizes anything. It has to be
done by the user.


I don't know about FP 2002, but FP 2000 does not automatically capitalize,
and I doubt that 2002 would. That would create an enormous number of


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