Flushing Memory/Cache Clear:



Hello All:
I have a general question, It seem that when I run some codes,
doesn't matter what it is, Once I modify it in the same session, it
seem that the previous version to the modification is still running.
I suspected this so to confirm it I have added letters to the given
messages and I still get the previous message, it almost seems that
the original code is stuck in the memory. If this assumption is
correct how would I clear memory.

____________ Sample _____________
If Some code Then
Do something
MsgBox "Message!"
Some code to flush the memory
Exit Sub
End If


If you are using user forms then unload them before using them again:

Unload UserForm1

If you are using variables then you have defined them as module or global
level variables. They are not reset until you close and reopen the workbook.
If any variables are used only within a specific routine then define them
there and they will be reinitialized each time the routine is called.



This is your third post of the same question. Have you looked at the other
answers? Did you try what was recomended? Please try to stick with just one


This is your third post of the same question. Have you looked at the other
answers? Did you try what was recomended? Please try to stick with just one

It was not my intent to do so, Google has been having problems with
the posts showing up, users don't see the posts thinking it didn't
go, so naturally they try to post. this problem came abt around late
16th. currently I am trying All suggested solutions......
Sorry for the multiple post

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