Floating window makes parent flicker...


Iulian Ionescu

Hi, I have the following problem: I designed a control
that acts similar to a combo box by dropping a small
window on click with some content. The control has a
private member of type ContainerPanel, which is a type I
defined as derived from form. I set all the properties
for this type so that it acts like a floating window (no
frame, no show in task bar, etc...). I override
OnActivate and set the focus back to the owner (which is
always the form that the controls lies on). However, when
the window is shown there is a very small flicker,
because for a fraction of a second the main form looses
focus and then gets it back. Is there any way to prevent
that? Should I use DestroyHandle to make sure the
floating window cannot receive focus?
I use the following routine to show the window:

NativeMethods.ShowWindow((IntPtr)base.Handle, 8);

then I have this:

protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e)
if (base.Owner != null)

I would appreciate any ideas,

Thank you!


Try adding this in your control's constructor:

// Reduce flicker

this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);

this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

// Redraw when resized

this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);

Iulian Ionescu

Thanks, but that will not solve the problem. It is not
the new window that flickers it is the owner window that
does that because it looses focus for a fraction of a
second. Somebody suggested to override the WndProc and
don't let the WM_ACTIVATE message go through. I'll try
see if it works...


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