Flip Screen



Does anyone know how to flip the screen in xp upside
down? I did this on my computer in school by holding
control alt and pressing the down key but it isn't
working with my home pc. I am using windows xp with a
dell pc. Anyone who knows how to do this please tell me
by sending an email to me at (e-mail address removed).
Thank you very much.


These kinds of options are graphic card specific. If the graphics card
supports it it will do it, if not it won't.

Ken Blake

Bry said:
Does anyone know how to flip the screen in xp upside
down? I did this on my computer in school by holding
control alt and pressing the down key but it isn't
working with my home pc. I am using windows xp with a
dell pc.

It was probably a function the video card in your school
computer, and your Dell has a different video card without that

Anyone who knows how to do this please tell me
by sending an email to me at (e-mail address removed).

Sorry, no. No E-mail support.

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