Flashing sentence makes sheets flash



The formula:

Dim NextTime As Date

Sub Flash()
NextTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
With ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font
If .ColorIndex = 2 Then .ColorIndex = 3 Else .ColorIndex = 2
End With
Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash"
End Sub

to let a sentence flash works, but the problem is that the entire shee
and other sheets flash a bit as well (not like the sentence but the
move as well) I've chosen the format flash for the sentences that nee
to flash and the rest of the sheets is formatted as normal so the
shouldn't flash but they do. How can I stop the rest of the sheets fro
flasing and how can I assure that the macro runs automaticly?:confused

I hope somebody can help me with this matter


Its not a good idea, the flickering you see is the sheet constantly
recalculating using up lots of processor power.
It will slow every thing down and I don't think the flickering can be
stopped whilst the flash code is running,


I know, but the problem is that it needs to attract attention. They mus
fill in something and if they don't it needs to flash so they will fil
it in. Therefore I've used this macro


Try Conditional formatting, give the cell a red fill and bold white font to
make it stand out, then go back to regular format once its filled in.


nona, I didn't analyze your code, but here is some code I have copied
off of the web that will do the job.

Sub FlashBack()
'Joe Was
'Make cell range Background color, flash x times, x fast, in x color,
'when Ctrl-a is pressed.

Dim newColor As Integer
Dim myCell As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim fSpeed

'Make this cell range background flash!
Set myCell = Range("A1:A2")
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.StatusBar = "... Select Cell to Stop and Edit or Wait for
Flashing to Stop! "

'Make cell background flash to this color!
'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30,
'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11,
'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8.
newColor = 27

'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99
fSpeed = 0.2

'Make cell flash, this many times!
Do Until x = 35

'Run loop!
Start = Timer
Delay = Start + fSpeed
Do Until Timer > Delay
myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = newColor
Start = Timer
Delay = Start + fSpeed
Do Until Timer > Delay
myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
x = x + 1
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
End Sub

Sub FlashFont()
'Joe Was
'Make cell range font flash, x times, x fast, in x color,
'when Ctrl-z is pressed.
Dim newColor As Integer
Dim myCell As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim fSpeed

'Make this cell range font flash!
Set myCell = Range("A1:A2")
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.StatusBar = "... Select Cell to Stop and Edit or Wait for
Flashing to Stop! "

'Make cell font flash to this color!
'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30,
'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11,
'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8.

newColor = 3

'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99
fSpeed = 0.3

'Make cell flash, this many times!
Do Until x = 20

'Run loop!
Start = Timer
Delay = Start + fSpeed
Do Until Timer > Delay
myCell.Font.ColorIndex = newColor
Start = Timer
Delay = Start + fSpeed
Do Until Timer > Delay
myCell.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
x = x + 1
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
End Sub
Sub reSetFlash()
'Joe Was
'Re-set cell range color if edit break on color, Ctrl-r to re-set!
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End Sub

Dave Peterson

see one more response to your other post.

The formula:

Dim NextTime As Date

Sub Flash()
NextTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
With ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font
If .ColorIndex = 2 Then .ColorIndex = 3 Else .ColorIndex = 2
End With
Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash"
End Sub

to let a sentence flash works, but the problem is that the entire sheet
and other sheets flash a bit as well (not like the sentence but they
move as well) I've chosen the format flash for the sentences that need
to flash and the rest of the sheets is formatted as normal so they
shouldn't flash but they do. How can I stop the rest of the sheets from
flasing and how can I assure that the macro runs automaticly?:confused:

I hope somebody can help me with this matter.

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