My fax was working but dissappeared.I used Control Pane and tried to install
it but received message that a dll was missing. I downloaded the missing dll
but now I get a message that file fxscount.h on Windows Professional is
needed. I have Windows Media. I Inserted my Windows Installation Disk and
located a file IIs_i386.cab which I hoped would work. It did not. How can I
repair the installation program for my fax so it will work again?
it but received message that a dll was missing. I downloaded the missing dll
but now I get a message that file fxscount.h on Windows Professional is
needed. I have Windows Media. I Inserted my Windows Installation Disk and
located a file IIs_i386.cab which I hoped would work. It did not. How can I
repair the installation program for my fax so it will work again?