Fix Your Problems!!!



im tired of writing long and detailed questions so i can get answers, and
have 'service temporarily unavailable' or 'error occured while sending your
its rediculous. i had to try 8 times just to open this one, and had to
re-post it 3 times. Just so that i can tell you how pathetic its becoming.

Seriously. i get 'error sending your post' messages while im trying to open
up a question... im not even posting!

please. pull up your socks and deal with this.

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Dave Peterson

I don't use the web interface to access the newsgroups.

But if it happened to me more than once or twice, I'd consider opening notepad,
composing my message there.

Then I could copy|paste into my message. The worst that could happen is that I
have to paste again.

Jim Thomlinson

I go through the web interface an yes it is annoying but it is not that tough
to deal with. The longer you take to write your question or response the
greater is the chance that your post will not go. So before I push to post I
copy my text. If it is going to go it will go in just a second or 2. If it is
going to die then it will take about 10 seconds. If it dies I just open a new
window... paste the copied text and resubmit. Since your resubmit window is
not open long it pretty much always goes...


thanks, but i have not been able to even get to the posting box for days.
(other than the few times today).. i will click and it won't even open the
box.. im jsut sayin that defective services aren't as helpful as
non-defective ones.

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