First chance exceptions...



VStudio 2005 Pro. In the Immediate window for a running application I
continually see lines like

A first chance exception of
type'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occured in [program

These lines do not cause the application to stop functioning. I have also
noticed a few first chance exceptions. How do I determine which
line of code is generating these lines/exceptions? Are they cause for

Thanks a lot.

Page Brooks

Go to Debug->Exceptions (Ctrl+D, E). From here, you can determine how you
want the IDE to respond to the exception. This will allow you to pinpoint
where the exception stems from.


Thank you, Page.

Page Brooks said:
Go to Debug->Exceptions (Ctrl+D, E). From here, you can determine how you
want the IDE to respond to the exception. This will allow you to pinpoint
where the exception stems from.

Page Brooks

VStudio 2005 Pro. In the Immediate window for a running application I
continually see lines like

A first chance exception of
type'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occured in [program

These lines do not cause the application to stop functioning. I have
also noticed a few first chance exceptions. How do I
determine which line of code is generating these lines/exceptions? Are
they cause for concern?

Thanks a lot.

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