First batch of VIIV PCs not to support DMA



As Intel’s upcoming Viiv 1.0 disables DMA functionality, the first batch
of Viiv PCs are recognized to be more like high-end entertainment PCs,
the sources commented. By June, when the chip giant introduces the
DMA-supporting 1.5 version, PC makers are looking to roll out a more
complete digital home product line, the sources said.

Is this a CPU or a motherboard thing, and If DMA is disabled isn't that
going to hurt performance something awful? Intel hasn't actually been on
top for awhile so maybe they just gave up and ship whatever they can


Murray Symon

As Intel’s upcoming Viiv 1.0 disables DMA functionality, the first batch
of Viiv PCs are recognized to be more like high-end entertainment PCs, the
sources commented. By June, when the chip giant introduces the
DMA-supporting 1.5 version, PC makers are looking to roll out a more
complete digital home product line, the sources said.

Is this a CPU or a motherboard thing, and If DMA is disabled isn't that
going to hurt performance something awful? Intel hasn't actually been on
top for awhile so maybe they just gave up and ship whatever they can now?


Reading the linked article, it appears that "DMA" in this context is
"Digital Media Adapter" (not Direct Memory Access).

" ... The first batch of Viiv PCs, however, will not feature
built-in digital media adaptor (DMA) capability, according
to sources at the PC makers. ... "


Reading the linked article, it appears that "DMA" in this context is
"Digital Media Adapter" (not Direct Memory Access).

Noticed that after I posted, duh!!! Learn something new everyday. :)
" ... The first batch of Viiv PCs, however, will not feature
built-in digital media adaptor (DMA) capability, according
to sources at the PC makers. ... "

So by built-in do they mean the DMA is on the motherboard?

Installing a Digital Media Adapter


Yousuf Khan

Kimmy said:
So by built-in do they mean the DMA is on the motherboard?

Installing a Digital Media Adapter

Man, could they get less vague with their terminology? Digital Media
Adapter conjured up all kinds of other possible images in my mind,
before their "definition" of it, which as far as I can tell means a
device to stream pictures to your tv and stereo from your computer
wirelessly. Wirelessly in this case means over WiFi.

Yousuf Khan


Man, could they get less vague with their terminology? Digital Media
Adapter conjured up all kinds of other possible images in my mind,
before their "definition" of it, which as far as I can tell means a
device to stream pictures to your tv and stereo from your computer
wirelessly. Wirelessly in this case means over WiFi.

Yousuf Khan

I remember seeing an AMD video just before the Opteron launch that was
hyping the Opteron doing the same things, stream movies, share music &
pictures, etc, I assume it used this same sort of DMA setup, but I never
noticed any system for sale setup like that, not that I've been looking
for one. No demand or specialty item I guess?


Scott Alfter

Hash: SHA1

As Intel's upcoming Viiv 1.0 disables DMA functionality, the first batch
of Viiv PCs are recognized to be more like high-end entertainment PCs,
the sources commented. By June, when the chip giant introduces the
DMA-supporting 1.5 version, PC makers are looking to roll out a more
complete digital home product line, the sources said.

Is this a CPU or a motherboard thing, and If DMA is disabled isn't that
going to hurt performance something awful?

Read the article. In the context they're using, DMA != direct memory access.

(As for what a "digital media adaptor" [sic] is supposed to be, I don't know.)

/ v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( Top-posting!
\_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

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On Tue, 03 Jan 2006 19:30:14 GMT,
(As for what a "digital media adaptor" [sic] is supposed to be, I don't know.)

Neither do I, but my suspicion is that this "other DMA", as well as
the whole VIIV thing is all about DRM. Did you like Sony rootkit?
How (cough) much better would be to have something similar, or even
more restrictive, on hardware level, so some dirty hacks wouldn't be
able to circumvent it, and while doing so tarnish the good names of
honorable RIAA/MPAA members.

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