Finding second price



I have a spreedsheet which I get pricing from up to 10 vendors. Using the Min function Iconditionally format and highlight the lowest minium price for any one item.
My question is how do I write a formula to determine the second best price?

Chip Pearson

You can use the LARGE function to get the Nth largest item in a
list. Similarly, you can use the SMALL function to get the Nth
smallest item in a list. For example, to return the second
largest item, use


Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

chrisk said:
I have a spreedsheet which I get pricing from up to 10 vendors.
Using the Min function Iconditionally format and highlight the
lowest minium price for any one item.
My question is how do I write a formula to determine the second
best price?

Aladin Akyurek

Let A2:B12 house the following data:


Note that A2:B2 houses the relevant labels.

In C2 enter: D_Rank [ a label, derived from Descending Rank]

In C3 enter & copy down.


In F2 enter:


which must be confirmed with control+shift+enter instead of just with enter.

In G2 enter: 2 [a parameter indicating N best/lowest/top prices]

In F3 enter: Vendor

In G3 enter: Price

In F4 enter & copy down:


In G4 enter & copy down:


Note that the ROW($F$4) and ROW($G$4) bits are references to cells where
these formulas start.

A2:C12 looks now like this:


and F2:Gx like this:

"Vendor","Best Price";

As can be noted, the results area lists 3 vendors and 3 lowest prices while
2 are asked for. The reason for this is that the Nth (the 2nd) place is a
tie. The above scheme allows you to retrieve such tied values.

chrisk said:
I have a spreedsheet which I get pricing from up to 10 vendors. Using the
Min function Iconditionally format and highlight the lowest minium price for
any one item.
My question is how do I write a formula to determine the second best

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