Finding record ID of record just added



Hello All,

When adding a record (either through code or using an append query), is
there a way to find out the Primary Key field (Autonumber) that is being
added without having to do a search once the record has been added?



Ken Snell [MVP]

In code, assuming that you have a recordset variable (rstRecordset in my
example) set to the table/query to which the record is being appended), you
can use the .LastModified property to move the recordset to that record and
then read its primary key value:

rstRecordset.Bookmark = rstRecordset.LastModified
JustAddedPrimaryKeyValue = rstRecordset.PrimaryKeyFieldName.Value


Thanks Ken,

So if i am adding a record in the same sub, it would look something like:

' rstFields to add data too go here
' Find the ID of the record just added
rstRecordset.Bookmark = rstRecordset.LastModified
JustAddedPrimaryKeyValue = rstRecordset.PrimaryKeyFieldName.Value

I am assuming that all this would happen pritty quick, so the chances of 2
people adding a record at the same time and then the LastModified method
returning the wrong value would be pritty small?


Brendan Reynolds

I believe the LastModified property returns the last record modified *via
that recordset*. I'm relying on memory here, because the help file is not
very specific, but it does say "A record must be added or modified in the
Recordset object itself in order for the LastModified property to have a
value", which seems to tie in with what I remember.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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Ken Snell [MVP]

I concur with Brendan. You should be ok with the code that you posted.

Ken Snell

PC Datasheet

Since your primary key is autonumber, the last record added will have the
highest value for the primary key field.

MyRecordID = DMax("MyPrimaryKeyField","MyTable")


I looked into the .LastModified property in the help files just after I
posted the question and read about it just being the recordset object
itself.. At least this has confirmed it.

Thanks for your help,



Thanks PC,

I was going to do it that way originally, but I needed the ID to use as a
foreign key value when adding child records in the same sub. I was trying to
find a way to ensure that 2 users couldn't do an insert at the same time
(which *may* of happened if i searched for the maximum ID). The
..LastModified way seems to do the trick.


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