Finding Min of Values (dates)



I need to find the lowest values of a set of dates, I tried using
Function MinOfList(ParamArray varValues()) As Variant
Dim i As Integer 'Loop controller.
Dim varMin As Variant 'Smallest value found so far.

varMin = Null 'Initialize to null

For i = LBound(varValues) To UBound(varValues)
If IsNumeric(varValues(i)) Then
If varMin <= varValues(i) Then
'do nothing
varMin = varValues(i)
End If
End If

MinOfList = varMin
End Function

But nothing happens, can someone please direct me on how to accomplish this?

Thank you

John Nurick

The function is badly named: MinOfListOfNumbers() would be better.

In the present case the problem is caused by IsNumeric() excluding
dates. How about changing it to IsDate() and rename the function to

John Nurick

Initalizing varMin to Null doesn't help either!

I don't think that's a problem. If varMin is Null, the
If varMin <= varValues(i)
will always be False and the assignment
varMin = varValues(i)
will be made. Am I missing something?


Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, you're right. varMin will get a value assigned the first time, so it
doesn't matter after that.

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