Finding Creation Date



If I change my windows clock and create a Word document, it will use the date
it thinks is today for the creation/updated, etc. date when I save the
document. I then change my date on the clock to the correct date. Is there
a way to tell the REAL creation date or that it was modified?



No. As far as your computer, and the programs that run on it, are concerned,
the current setting at any time IS the real date.

Graham Mayor

If you are changing the computer clock to insert dates, it is anyone's guess
what dates are recorded in the file, but if you change the DATE fields to
CREATEDATE fields in the documents (and in your template for new documents)
you will get the date that should equate to the date you originally saved.
In future insert CREATEDATE fields or the date as text. The following macro
will insert the date as text. You can change the format switch to any
preferred setting.

Sub InsertUSFormatDate()
Selection.InsertDateTime _
DateTimeFormat:="MMMM d, yyyy", _
End Sub

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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