Finding cells with links to another worksheet in excell



Is there a way to view cells containing data that is linked to cells in
another worksheet in Excell?

Patsy Rogge

Hi you need to download a file (addin) called Find Links. You will be able
to find it if you do a Google search



hi TKC,
I'm not sure if I understand correctly what you are after, but th
following may help...

(Please excuse my use of short cut keys)

To quickly see if there are any external links (ie anothe
workbook/file) use [alt + e + k] & if no window pops up there are n
external links.

To see which cells contain formulae:
[F5], Special, Formulas (& tick the types you want to check)
[ctrl + `] (found at top left of my keyboard)
[alt + t + o], and then tick the Formulas box in the Windows Option
section at the bottom of the View tab.

The last 2 options change the view so that you see the actual formula
rather than the result. Any formula where you can see the word "sheet
is probably linking to another worksheet.

Rob Brockett
Always learning & the best way to learn is to experience..

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