Finding an external reference on a sheet



I have a workbook which contains many copied sheets from other workbooks. I
have editted all of the formula so that they link only to sheets within the
workbook and not to external worksheets. However, every time I load the file
I get XL telling me that 'I have links to other workbooks, would I like to
update them?' This isn't really a problem, I just click no and get on with
it. The annoying thing is that I cannot find an external reference anywhere
on any of the sheets.

I have tried CTRL+F for #REF, [ and ], and .xls, all the things you'd expect
to find in an external link. I've also checked all the source data on my
charts for external references and not found any. For my own sanity and peace
of mind, can anyone suggest a way to quickly find an external reference???

Many thanks.


Ooops! Thought I was in the XL workgroup. Been flitting between so many
different ones recently....

Pegasus (MVP) said:
Have you considered posting this question in an Excel newsgroup?

rmellison said:
I have a workbook which contains many copied sheets from other workbooks. I
have editted all of the formula so that they link only to sheets within the
workbook and not to external worksheets. However, every time I load the file
I get XL telling me that 'I have links to other workbooks, would I like to
update them?' This isn't really a problem, I just click no and get on with
it. The annoying thing is that I cannot find an external reference anywhere
on any of the sheets.

I have tried CTRL+F for #REF, [ and ], and .xls, all the things you'd expect
to find in an external link. I've also checked all the source data on my
charts for external references and not found any. For my own sanity and peace
of mind, can anyone suggest a way to quickly find an external reference???

Many thanks.

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