Finding a prior date by subtracting from today


Jim in Arizona

I'm having difficulty figuring out how to find the date three days from
today's date.

I'm trying to use an sql select statement, like so:

"SELECT * FROM TableA " & _
"WHERE DateColumn BETWEEN " & _
BeginDate & " AND " & EndDate

I want to display records that are from three days ago to the present.

I don't know how to find the date from three days ago. Something like:

Dim EndDate as Date = Now() 'Or DateAndTime.Today
Dim BeginDate as Date = DateAndTime.Today - 3

Of course, that doesn't work.

Any Ideas?


Mark Rae

"SELECT * FROM TableA " & _
"WHERE DateColumn BETWEEN " & _
BeginDate & " AND " & EndDate

I want to display records that are from three days ago to the present.

"SELECT * FROM TableA " & _
"WHERE DateColumn <= " & _
"DATEADD(d, -3, CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 106)))"

Jim in Arizona

Mark said:
"SELECT * FROM TableA " & _
"WHERE DateColumn <= " & _
"DATEADD(d, -3, CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 106)))"

I actually glanced at the DateAdd function on a webpage somewhere and
within Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime but wasn't sure about its use.

So, this works just as good on the vb code side:

Dim BeginDate As Date = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -3, DateAndTime.Today)

So, which would be more effective, do you think? Using DateAdd in the vb
code or in the SQL? I plan on using an SQL Stored Proc for the SQL
instead of storing it in a string on the vb code side.

Thanks Mark.


Mark Rae

So, this works just as good on the vb code side:

Dim BeginDate As Date = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -3, DateAndTime.Today)

So, which would be more effective, do you think? Using DateAdd in the vb
code or in the SQL? I plan on using an SQL Stored Proc for the SQL instead
of storing it in a string on the vb code side.

I don't suppose it matters *too* much in the general scheme of things -
however, I tend to use a stored procedure whenever I can because of its
precompiled execution plan...

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